Monday, July 18, 2011

Does anyone remember the name of this Christmas movie?

I remember watching this movie during my elementary school days, but I never knew the name! I'm a high-schooler now but I remember watching it every year around the time of Christmas in elementary school. I don't know how old it is but to give it a general idea, I went to pre-k in 1999 and watched it. The movie was a Christmas musical I guess; they sing some pretty classic carols, but then I think there were some original ones too. There were singing angel dolls, and I believe a family gets whisked away on a flying snowflake and ends up in Santa's toy shop, in which another musical number begins. I remember the elves like singing their names too or something. Also, there was a Christmas tree calendar...I'm sorry that this isn't very specific, but I remember very little about it and I wanna know the name of the movie so I can revisit it. It was a really good movie too!

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