Saturday, July 16, 2011

I Can't Keep Doing This! It's Not Fair To Him. How Can I Snap Out of This?

So this Friday will be the final time I get to see my best guy friend before my school's summer break. The community chorus (which we're both a part of) will be singing at my school's graduation and then after that, my school goes on summer break. I mean I AM looking forward to seeing him and stuff, because there will also be a catered meal for us to eat while the graduates are getting announced, so the chorus members will probably hang out and eat, and we'll probably sit and talk. But after Friday's over, I won't get to see him until September when chorus starts back up, which I'm NOT happy about. I don't want to have a repeat of last year where I sat in my room all summer and cried myself to sickness. I actually did cry earlier today two times, really hard actually. And now that I think about it, it's not fair to him, because he has to go through the SAME summer break as I do, but he has it a lot worse, because him being a college teacher (at a totally different school than the one I attend and sing for), he has to prepare for 7 classes, (yes, that's right, 7 classes.) make up all the the tests, quizzes, and stuff like that (he does them all by hand, grading and everything) plus he plays 3 instruments (4 if you were to count vocals. He sings tenor for his church chorus) He plays piano (for our chorus), organ, (for our chorus concerts), and hand bells (also for his church chorus). So yeah, he is INSANELY occupied ALL THE TIME. It makes me feel really bad because he does so much stuff and here I am crying like a wuss because I miss him. I mean sure, I have some great pictures of us and some really great memories I can revisit, but aside from him, I only have one other friend (who happens to be married, and even though we talk every night online, she's always tired, she's constantly complaining about something, or talking about her favorite ice hockey team. It drives me nuts.) With my guy friend, we jump from topic to topic and there isn't a moment where we're not laughing. So, I really enjoy talking to him a lot more and we actually share a common bond that I never thought we'd share in a million years, but that's a really long story, but I just never thought we'd share this one common bond in my entire life. My mouth dropped when he told me all of that. (But again, it's a very long and also very private and personal story that I swore to him I'd never tell anyone, and I intend to keep that promise) So anyways, I really don't want to have a sucky summer like I did last year. He deserves better than that. I even told my mom today when she saw my eyes were full of tears that I can't be doing this. He's so patient, kind, caring, and understanding. And he has to go through the same break as me. He would never cry like a wuss like this, and if he saw the state of mind I was in, he'd fix it in two seconds. (And by fix it I mean, hug the living crap out of me then make me laugh really hard.) He would NEVER want to see me in a sad state of mind. EVER. I know this for a fact because I WAS in a sad state of mind a couple of weeks ago when my great uncle passed away, he noticed my upset look on my face, asked me if everything was ok, and then I told him about my great uncle. He was 100% sympathetic then instantly started talking to me about a more cheerful subject that put a smile right back on my face. So yes, I know for a fact that he does not like to see me upset. And I just feel so terrible crying like a wuss to the point of sickness. I don't want to have a repeat of last year. It makes me feel bad because like I said, every time I cry it just makes me think, 'what would he think if he saw me like emotional mess?' I can't keep doing this! I don't want to keep doing this! It's not fair to him at all and I need to snap out of it but I don't know how! I hate breaks! Someone please help me beat the 'Summer Blahs'! (I'm sorry if this is so long, it's a real bad habit I have. I have a learning disability and tend to make my questions very long when I type. I do this with everyone. So again, I apologize.)

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