Friday, July 22, 2011

What are the red bumps near the rectum?

I love a girl that takes it in the pooper, your awesome. The doctor didn't look at the bumps? Maybe it's just a rash, or maybe HPV, or herpes.


i finished 12 std..waiting for counselling .can you suggest some best engineering colleges in india.

WELL WRITTEN erotic romance novels?

Notice how I capitalized well written, I did so because the ones I read are like something a lonely 16 year old wrote on fanfiction. And an actual story would be nice. Any suggestions?

Do I have Herpes and How do i get tested?

If you have gotten them before then its probably not an STD. Since they don't hurt or itch it sounds normal. You can go to a doctor to get tested without your parents knowing.

This girl is getting me stressed out..?

alrite ive been talkin to this girl for a month a half now and ever since we started talkin there was an immediate 1st we only talked online then i asked for her # and we started talkin on the phone,in my estimation the girl is beautiful, smart, understanding but her problem is shes secretive and a bit shy...ive gotten so into her that i stopped talkin to other girls and talk only to her now....whenever we talk on the phone she always whines and giggles when i talk to her..she talk to only a couple pf other guys on the phone (maybe not now) but she said no 1 makes her whine and giggle and she does not understand why she does it....i opened up to her, telling her about my personal life, family issues, likes/dislikes, opinions of diff things in life....but damn, i cant get anything out of this girl...i truly sense that she has alot to tell me but shes scared to and she admitted to that herself....when she tells me something and i dont catch it and ask her "what did you say"?, she goes "Nothing...".....a few days ago after talking on the phone and making her cry after talking about my family life (she is estranged from her parents and lives with her friend at the moment)...that same nite at 11:11 she messaged me saying "make a wish"....i told her to make 1 herself and she said she already did and doubts its gonna happen...i tease her saying, ill make that wish come true and she says pshhhh, dont act like you know everything...she follows by saying i have a secret to tell you later on in life...i tell her you can tell me now..she says no its for later...i ask for a hint, asking her how many words does this secret consist of? she replies 3...and i get astounded.just rite now we were on the phone and i revisit what she said to me a few days ago, asking what did you wanna tell me a few days ago..she starts whining saying, no its embarassing, i tell her i want an open relationship with her but i cant do that if shes gonna hide things from me...she says she cant do it and that she has to go and i could swear i heard tears...i tell her ok, take care of yourself and she hangs up..this girl is overwhelming me with her games...she circles my head most times in school and i couldent sleep last nite cause of her...what do i do to drive this girl to be more expressive with me and tell me those 3 words...i know what they are but i wanna hear her say it so that can enhance our relationship.....

Pimple like bumps on upper inner thighs?

Im only 14 and overweight, but for about 2 years i've been getting these bumps that are kind of like bad pimples on my upper inner thighs. It started out with barely any and lately its been getting worse. I dont believe it would be any type of std because ive never had any type of sex. My mom says she gets them to but she doesnt know what it is ither. I've done some reading on the web too and none of it really gives me an answer. All i want is to get rid of them, or itleast not as bad. If anything were to ever happen between my current boyfriend and I it would feel really awkward. The situation is really uncomfortable and I'de just love to get rid of it. ): Thanks for the help

Bump on the inside of the vag lips?

it's like a bump. It doesn't hurt or anything and i've never had sex so it can't be an std. But should i be worried? It's skin colored and only very slightly raised. You can't even see it like that. sooooo....?

Any insight to why my mortgage balance does not reduce?!?!?

It is like a snowball, that little amount will keep growing until it is bigger than the mortgage an you are debt free.

Advice on Buying a Puppy?

Mainly what you said. I would add besides the obvious of researching the breed you are interested in, do as much research into the breeder. There is ton of info easily available on the web to find out what exact health testing should be done, what the breed standards are & all the rest usually on that breed club site. Asking a question or two on here doesn't count as real research. Buying from your neighbor, family, friends of friend, etc are not who you buy from unless they are actual responsible breeder. Plan ahead for future vet visits/emergencies. Pets all cost money & are a luxury.

Can You get pregnant if you have chlamydia?

A friend of mine has chlamydia & she has Not seen the doctor yet I'am worried for her because she recently got a new bf & has probably infected him also just last night she told me he came in her. She thinks since she has the std pregnancy is not possible. Im confused & don't know what to tell her please help. Is it possible she can still conceive?

Is the grammar in this letter correct? I am more concerned about the "roll out the red carpet".?

I hope that we will have the opportunity to roll out the red carpet for your conference participants.

Is this correct grammar?

There should be 2 complete sentences. The second sentence should start after the word "worked" where you also need a period. You need to take away the parenthesis and form a new sentence. Also, the verb in the dependent clause of your first sentence ( "..which is...." ) should be change to "are" since it refers back to the word wages, which is plural.

Tracing my family history of bipolar?

I was diagnosed bipolar type`1 3 years ago and at the time had no family history of bipolar. Ive always wondered cos noone in my imediate family has the disease. My parents were with me for nearly all of my appointments until now. Ive never disclosed certain things about my family history on my fathers side because its kind of a touchy subject. At my next appointment at which i will be seeing a new doctor and neither of my parents will be present. On my fathers side I have several aunts with alcohol problems and a leanings toward depression one aunt in particular is always considered eccentric. Going further back on my grandmothers side alot of her family were quirky and eccentric and could possibley have had the disease but at that period in time would not have been diagnosed. Could this be an incling toward a family history of such an illness and would it be worth revisiting with my doctor?

Can you give yourself an STD from saliva lubrication during masturbation?

I was just curious because I've heard people use saliva on themselves and I wondered if you could get an STD from your spit if you don't have an STD in your mouth? Like, can normal bacteria in mouth do it?

Having smelly odors wat should i do?

i keep on having this nasty odor. it smells like fish and i have alot of discharge but the discharge is a normal color..and my husband is so turned off from this odor. i tried douching and even right after i do it, it still smells durin sex. everytime i go to the doctor and get tested my test are always negative. no STD's or infections...and this odor comes and goes..does any of u females have the same problem??? i just think its so nasty for me to smell this way. i take like 2-3 showers a day..i know our vagi isnt gonna always smell like flowers but idk wat else to do

HIV and pregnant women ?

When a women is pregnant Do they make her take a HIV test and other STD test during her pregnancy? Or can she refuse. What do they test pregnant women for when she goes for a doctor vist??

Could I have an STD from oral sex when me and my partner both have never had sex?

well if your partner is being truthful with you and none of the two of u have had oral sex or full on intercourse then no you could'nt have an STD.. as you both would need to catch something to pass it on and if u are both truthful to each other and have never and i mean NEVER had oral or full on intercourse then u defo dnt have an std. and yes u can get an std if u have oral sex if you or your partner have already had oral or full on intercourse ive studied most std's. here is another tip to let u knw this is the truth go to you tube and look for my friend the heading is (pam stenzel sex still has a price tag) watch all 6parts it will also give u a bit more info than i have given u. i really do hope this helps you.

Why is the capitalization of Christian and the non-capitalization of atheist a problem?

I think it bothered one person in a different question, but they might not have thought through it completely. Christianity is simply a proper name, and atheism is a term. One is supposed to be capitalized and one is not. It is that simple. Many people do capitalize "New Atheist" because of its specific reference to a movement, but "atheism" is not a religion or a movement - it is simply a term, like vegetarian or commuter. Capitalization has to do with grammar, not the importance of the word in the discussion.

Do you like this prologue? It's super short!?

I would suggest rewriting it as Chemistry, A. History, A. and so on, with a period after each grade instead of a comma. Yes, you should capitalize all subjects because they are proper nouns. Also, I would suggest that you replace the cuss word with a negative phrase such as, "Oh man." or "Oh no." as cursing is the language of the simple and uneducated. I hope this is of help to you.

What do you think (poem)??

wow. im not sure how to take this with such short notice. it is very powerful. very powerful. it will take a little bit for people to soak this in and really understand it. but i like it. i like it very much.

Should I let this employer's direct affiliation with a religious cult influence my decision to accept the job?

If the information is publicly posted on their business website, they obviously have no intention of keeping their business separate from it. If this "dream opportunity" is tied to any organization about which you have serious and reasonable doubts, the dream will turn into a nightmare.

Child custody case, using a GAL, do they tend to help non-custodial parent more?

Steer clear of using a GAL. Even in really bad cases they side on joint visitation. My ex had our GAL completely fooled into thinking he was a complete angel and that I was being a B****! He was an alcoholic and a drug addict and she thought he could be capable of being a responsible parent! I mean hard core drugs not just pot!

Question about Gynecomastia. Please any answers will help?

So I'm 15 years old and I have had gynecomastia since I was 12.5/13 years old. I'm not overweight, and my nipples are really puffy, so whenever I wear a shirt, it looks like these two round discs are always poking out and it looks awful because the rest of my body is not fat like that. It's always really affected me; I don't have any confidence, I walk with my shoulders slouched which has caused my shoulders to become partially rounded. I only wear dark colored and big clothes, and I haven't swam in a pool with my shirt off for about 2 years, in fact I haven't even swam with a shirt on in about a year. My school uniform is a polo shirt and slacks/shorts, and I can wear two undershirts but my chest still shows through. I really hate this and my father is a doctor, so I asked him about him and he took me to a plastic surgeon. He told me that I could get surgery and walked me through it and said that if I want to wait for it to get better naturally, I would have to wait a minimum of 5 years. 5 YEARS! I really don't want to wait until I'm in college to get rid of this. This is really a problem for me and my dad understands it and has pretty much agreed for me to get it because I've talked about it and he knows how much this affected me. The only problem is my mom, she's totally against it and thinks that it is interfering with nature, when the doctor told me that he has seen a ton of kids my age and even kids younger than me have gotten this surgery. She is a very stubborn woman and I can't figure out how to persuade her. My dad, my mom, and I were supposed to have a discussion about this, but both parents keep putting it off, and my mom says that she will revisit it when I'm 18. She doesn't realize how serious this is for me, and I can't talk to her. Can anyone give me some help? I'd really appreciate it if anyone could just give me some advice.

Is this a yeast infection?

Kinda embarrassing to ask but can't find much online. on google it said that a yeast infection is odorless, white, and the consistency of cottage cheese. Usually my discharge is clear or a little white but just now it was pure white. It didn't smell and it was regular consistency, not like cottage cheese. Wasn't irritating either. Extra info: I had my period 2 weeks ago, I'm 20, and I'm std free.

Proper Grammar Usage?

I am writing an essay and am having a major brain-fart on how some things should be written out. First example: I am talking about looking for a trail, and how my friend the previous day had said, "You can't miss it." Do I need to start a new paragraph to type that? Leave it in a line to it's self? Second: How do you write out your own thoughts, such as "Then I thought, I'm in the middle of nowhere." Third: How do you write artists/song titles? & if I'm including lyrics from the song, do I place them in their own margin and paragraph? & Fourth: talking about supplies, should I capitalize "first aid kit"

Should I be alarmed by his slow text response?

trust me when i say guys are never worrying about this kind of stuff as we girls are, as a result they don't find it necessary to text back all the time. if they are invited to do something, however, the reason why he didn't text back was probably because he was busy! i ALWAYS think about this too, and then i think to myself: remember the times that i was doing something, and i checked my phone and someone texted me like two hours ago? don't you think they were worrying whether i was ignoring them or not? remember, everyone has things to do, and sometimes you can't get back to people right away.

Can you interpret this in your own words?

A responsible university, seeking to balance contending interests of higher order, might first revisit and make more explicit its policies that govern acceptable computer use and access, by which all campus users are presumably bound. Such policies could condemn the flaunting of thoughtless dissemination of sexually explicit material and digital hate literature expressing institutional abhorrence of such postings, without seeking to ban either type of material. The computer network might also establish a better warning system which to alert sensitive users to occasional and inevitable presence of material that may offend.

What's the correlation between masturbation and unhealthy sex habits or crime?

Just curious if anyone has any info on any research pertaining to this question. What I meant by unhealthy sex habits or crime would be such as prostitution, multiple/casual sex, pre-marital sex, unwanted pregnancy, STD, rape, molestation, etc, you get the picture. I need serious answers backed by research(es) and concrete data(s) and not "what I think" kinda answer. Thanks

Help! Should I visit Orthodontist again?

Well, my ortho said i could get my braces off in 4 weeks but before the appointment i noticed i was missing one of the color things for the brackets and i guess the ortho didnt notice so he didnt put another color on it will this effect my time my braces will come off? Should i revisit him tomorrow to get it the thing on the bracket?

Tenant signed a lease then backed out claiming a broken verbal agreement.?

Tenants signed a 6 month lease and paid rent + dpt. Lease was signed while house was being reconditioned. The prior tenants smoked in the garage and the oder was present inside the house. The tenants were concerned about the oder when they signed the lease. I reassured them that the home would be clean and in good condition when they move in 6 days later. I did everything necessary to remove the oder and not just cover it up. The day prior to moving in the tenants revisited the house and said that they were still not satisfied. I felt it was acceptable. I offered to readdress the issue they agreed. I consulted a professional he recommended a treatment. After the treatment the house was oder free and the garage smelled like a garage. I contacted the tenants and they refused to return to the house. The husband said the wife was never going to be happy with it and that he would like to unwind the lease and get there money back. I said I would consider it and get back to him. Sick and tired of renters I consulted with a management company to release the property. The property management co. gave the house a clean bill of health and confirmed that the house was move in ready. The tenants gave me written notice and a requested there funds back. When I explained that he was still under contract and once the house released I would be willing to refund his money less any cost due to the breach. Now in an effort to get all of the money back he and his wife are claiming that we had a verbal agreement to refund and cancel the lease if the smell was not satisfactory. The lease does not reflect this nor did make such an offer. Now it's a case of he said she said. With the tenant threatening legal I have discontinued all contact and asked that everything be done in writing.... What to do???


So I'm 15 years old and I have had gynecomastia since I was 12.5/13 years old. I'm not overweight, and my nipples are really puffy, so whenever I wear a shirt, it looks like these two round discs are always poking out and it looks awful because the rest of my body is not fat like that. It's always really affected me; I don't have any confidence, I walk with my shoulders slouched which has caused my shoulders to become partially rounded. I only wear dark colored and big clothes, and I haven't swam in a pool with my shirt off for about 2 years, in fact I haven't even swam with a shirt on in about a year. My school uniform is a polo shirt and slacks/shorts, and I can wear two undershirts but my chest still shows through. I really hate this and my father is a doctor, so I asked him about him and he took me to a plastic surgeon. He told me that I could get surgery and walked me through it and said that if I want to wait for it to get better naturally, I would have to wait a minimum of 5 years. 5 YEARS! I really don't want to wait until I'm in college to get rid of this. This is really a problem for me and my dad understands it and has pretty much agreed for me to get it because I've talked about it and he knows how much this affected me. The only problem is my mom, she's totally against it and thinks that it is interfering with nature, when the doctor told me that he has seen a ton of kids my age and even kids younger than me have gotten this surgery. She is a very stubborn woman and I can't figure out how to persuade her. My dad, my mom, and I were supposed to have a discussion about this, but both parents keep putting it off, and my mom says that she will revisit it when I'm 18. She doesn't realize how serious this is for me, and I can't talk to her. Can anyone give me some help? I'd really appreciate it if anyone could just give me some advice.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Do you capitalize a movie title in a book?

Yeah in that incident I would capitalise and italicise, but if it wasn't being spoken by a character I would put quotation marks around it and capitalise.

In minecraft seed? sugar cane help?

Okay, here's the deal, I'm playing the seed Roughsauce, (Capitalized R is IMPORTANT) and i cant seem to find sugar cane ANYWHERE!! Since I'm on a Mac, I can't use things like Cartographer. the coordinates for my home are X:-28.0 Y: 70.6 Z:-125.7 (Its a cozy little cave high up, so mobs can't walk in). So if you can find any sugar cane, with or without Cartographer, let me know, and give me coordinates. To enter seeds, just type in Roughsauce (It's Roughsauce, not roughsauce) under the world name where it says enter seed

Question about English Please Help!?

Alright well I have this assignment to do where I have to tell if it is correctly capitalized or not and here is an example : The policeman said "Drop your weapon" should the first word in the quotations be capitalized?

STD testing. Is it worth it or am I just a hypochondriac?

Alright, so I am a 21year old female and Ill admit I am a moderate to extreme hypochondriac. Or maybe its just OCD. I have had 4 sexual partners, 2 of which I know were clean and the other 2 I have no idea. Anyways back in October I had unprotected sex with this guy a few times and about a month or so later I developed a huge body rash and I was CONVINCED it was the acute HIV rash. So I waited a while until I could be tested and I was negative for both HIV as well as Hepatitis. The tests were kinda expensive because here in California, or at least my town, they no longer offer free STD testing. I kinda felt like it was a waste and everybody was telling me I didn't have HIV and they were right. Well then a few months ago I got another rash on my back and I decided it had to be sacral herpes. I went to a dermatologist who said it did not look like any kind of STD but she took a sample of the rash to be sent off for a biopsy and I made her write on the lab sheet to test it for herpes. It came back negative and she concluded it was just an allergic reaction. Well since then I have not had sex (last time was almost 4 months ago). The past few days I have noticed my vaginal skin is more red and dry, and just slightly itchy. I fear it may be a mild herpes outbreak. I have no blisters or sores so I am unsure if I should get a test done because I read that blood tests for herpes are not always accurate and since I don't have a sore to be tested idk what I should do. I don't want to waste more money that i don't even have if the test is just gonna come back negative like all the other tests did. Am I just freaking out about nothing?? I just got tested for chlamydia and gonorrhea like 2 weeks ago for my annual and i was clean and the doc said i looked healthy down there. What should I do??

Told I have trichimonasis. All other STD came back negative. But very SCARED anyone help?

Was recently told I have trich. Asked the doc to test me for all other STD and they came back negative. Waiting on the HIV test and its seriously scaring me causing huge anxiety. I also had breast agumentation during the time I had trich (thought it was a yeast infection at the time). Doc told me if I were HIV positive I more than likely wouldnt have healed from the breast implant surgery so well. Is this true? Would it have taken me longer to heal if I were HIV positive?

Do Indian u.s. consulate considers applicant's previous visits' credit history for visa appl. if visit again?

does the us consulate in India considers applicant's previous visits' credit history for visa application if he/she is revisiting u.s.a. again for work?

How you deal with a parent who gave birth to you when they were young, and now they want to re-live the youth?

probably she is immature thats why she is doing that...its better to keep away from its there matter not urs.. :)


well tell him that you are not ready to do all that stuff with him . And when you go on your first date an he tries anything else besides kissing then you will know what he wants from you.

Should capital punishment be capitalized when using it in an essay/sentence?

The "c" in capital should be capitalized if it is at the beginning of a sentence. Otherwise no.

Should a marriage proposal have conditions?

My fiance, if i can say that anymore, proposed to me in March of this year (2011). This has been after about 10+ years together (on and off). The other day we had a stupid and I mean petty fight. This somehow blew up into something huge. This happens sometimes with us, bringing up either bottled, past and present issues which has nothing to do with the current fight. Well...within the heat of the fight he tells me he no longer wants to marry me. This, apparently, is due to the fact that I have an "attitude" that needs changing....we have since somewhat recovered from that particular fight, but never revisited the issues surrounding the argument that caused us to not talk for days. Today, however, it started small and the unvisited issues that we were previously fighting about came up again. He tells me that again, I have an attitude that he doesn't like the so-called attitude comes out in the midst of a fight...(It's not ALL the time as he makes it out to be). He says I better change it or I will never get my ring back. What kind of stuff is that? This is why I ask, should love/marriage proposal/marriage have conditions?? I asked him, why did you ask me to marry you in the first place? To which he replied, "because I love you." I then tell him, NOTHING has changed about me from the day you decided to ask me (after all these years), up until now! So how can you take the ring/proposal away because of a simple thing you don't like about me?? What is different today than two months ago? Nothing! I am typically a warm-hearted, thoughful, caring, loving person and mother of his children. Do I get angry/frustrated/upset sometimes??? Hell yes! But it's not who I am! That's not what I'm made of! Now, is that a reason not to marry someone???

Bump on the inside of the vag lips?

it's like a bump. It doesn't hurt or anything and i've never had sex so it can't be an std. But should i be worried? It's skin colored and only very slightly raised. You can't even see it like that. sooooo....?

I need to have sex, like now?

I'm an involuntary celibate. I'm 18 years old as of two weeks ago. I'm not seriously unattractive. I consider myself an average looking guy, but I can't ask a girl how good looking I am, because I wouldn't get a serious answer for their fear of hurting my feelings. I am fairly outgoing. I think one of the main problems is that where I live there is absolutely nothing to do. I can't go to a bar or most clubs because I'm not 21. If I ask a girl on a date, it would be a boring dinner and a movie date, because there is absolutely nothing else. Honestly, I feel like getting a prostitute, but what stops me is STD risks and the police. Most girls my age in my town, because this place is so boring, smoke pot, which I don't do. I don't know what to do. I'm going to college on the other side of the state in a few months, so hopefully that location will be better, but my grandparents asked me if I was gay a few months ago because I haven't had a girlfriend yet. I am dying to get a girlfriend and to have sex, because it is a basic human need. I feel like I'm slowly going insane.

HIV AIDS STD question about testing?

If someone gets tested for HIV and every other possible STD, and it comes back negative, should they get re-tested in 6 months (thats what people recommend) even if they didnt have sex since their last test? if someones tests negative, and they havent had sex since that test, i would think that they would still be negative.

Isn't it kind of sad when the losing side has more respect for it's soldiers than the winning side?

Yes, it's sad. I don't think that's true, though. The reason the SCV is bigger than the SUV is only because the South glorifies the idea of the "Lost Cause" and deifies its leaders ... and the Northern states don't do that with Lincoln and the superiority of its cause. Plus there's this whole pop culture notion that southerners are the only "real" Americans, I guess the rest of us are just poseurs.

Film techniques in (500) Days of Summer?

Its a literary technique not a film technique that could fall under parallelism or parallel structure. So that's either similarities between different events or differences between similar events throughout the plot.

Will hiv/std show up in 5 years?

ok i had sex wthcouple people couple years ago and i stll do know allitle wth the same people and there all clean of std. i did like couple blood test during my phyical and thy all turned out good. when will it start to show if i have anythn?

Do you think that in a lot of cases OBGYNs have just taken advantage of our worrisome nature as moms?

I was watching a documentary on Netflix called Pregnant in America. It showed a ton of horrible side effects to an epidural such as maternal death, fetal distress, drug toxication, respiratory problems, high rate of C-sections, low birth weight, etc. That was interesting as I didn't know an epidural carried all those dangers.

HP fans: how will you handle it ending?!?

i can't even describe what the series means to me. i've been with this since i was 6. i'm 19 now and it's been one hell of a ride to say the least :) i can't wrap my mind around it all. this series changed my life. it got me into reading books at a young age, it gave me something to day dream about and look forward to. after this that's more......anything! no books, no movies! but at least i can revisit it anytime i want since i own like every piece of HP media there is to own XD would it help if i wrote it down on paper? crying doesn't seem to help much :( the cast is all moving on to bigger and better things so why shouldnt i?

Where in this html would I embed my playlist? (Tumblr Layout theme)?



  1. What determines which friends show up on the left side of one's Facebook profile?

    Its Done by Random Its Possible if you have A Smaller amount of friends that some people will show up all the time

    I was datin my bhabhi cousin in 11th std......he dumped me coz of sum misunderstanding......?

    hez fm pune n so i shifted 2 pune 4 my studies......i tried 2 contact him in da 1st yr bt he showed no interest.....i got his no. fm facebook n started 2 gve him black callz n had a chat wid him through msgz bt didnt tell him my name n he kept insisting on me tellin him my i cant coz i kno den he wont tak 2 me......itz really nt possible 2 forget him......his birthday is on 8th april n mine on 15th april.....i want him bck bt i m sure hez commited....plz help

    Please let me know the correct way to write a particular sentence - (Read details)?

    The word 'people' can be either singular or plural. In this sense, it is a plural, so people -welcome- the president.

    Could this be a uti or what ?

    so it has been hurting to pee and feels like i have to pee a lot. my pee is kinda reddish so does that mean it is a uti or could it also be a std? i really dont like doctors and am trying to put them off for a while if i can

    I am trying to recall a book to re read can anyone recognise it from the description?

    "Judith Brandy is a longtime writer and lover of science fiction and fantasy. A recent breast cancer survivor, her mission has become raising breast cancer awareness in a fun and non-threatening way in the science fiction and fantasy community as well as providing a haven for stressed-out fans . Her website provides breast cancer information and links and loads of SF information on Battlestar Galactica, Stargate Atlantis, SG-1, fan fiction, SF polls; it’s sort of like she is providing a virtual hot tub and good book to the global SF community."

    What is happening to me?Have I contracted HIV?

    Get a grip on yourself, mate. You've been tested, and you don't have HIV. Even if you did, committing suicide would break your parents' hearts. I suggest you have a talk with your doctor about your obvious anxiety issues.

    Why do theists insist on?

    I simply do not capitalize religious words. God (except at the beginning of a sentence) is god, Christianity is christianity, and so forth. The respect the capitalization is supposed to show is misguided in my opinion so I don't do it. Names are still within capitalization rules (Jesus, for example) but all that other crap is in corporal letters for me.

    Question about Tactic's Ogre: Let us Cling Together (PSP)?

    I am currently in Chapter 4 of the game but I recently realized that I've missed out on recruiting certain characters in the game and I'm wondering if it's possible to revisit previous chapters at this point in the game? Alternatively, when I beat the game, is there a way I could go back to chapter 1 in order to level the characters and/or classes that I haven't experimented with? Thanks in advance for your response(s)!

    Argument for Rebecca Black - please read?

    I think Friday is a rather one dimensional, poorly written pseudo 'edjewmatactional' song, however I do not actually hate Rebecca as a person. Reason being she doesn't have half the ego a good portion of these pop stars do.

    Why am I always so lazy?

    Ok so I've been lazy my whole life but since I'm 15 now, it's been worrying my mom so she took me to the doctor, he said it could be what I'm eating and yeah I used to eat junk food so I stopped eating it for like 3 months now and I've gotten much skinnier but I'm still lazy so I revisited him again and he told me to take these tablets called Super B-Complex and it's supposed to help convert the food I eat into energy and it still doesn't work, I've been thinking of just giving up and just take some adderal since it gets you hyper. So is there anything I can do other than take adderal???

    Isn't it kind of sad when the losing side has more respect for it's soldiers than the winning side?

    Yes, it's sad. I don't think that's true, though. The reason the SCV is bigger than the SUV is only because the South glorifies the idea of the "Lost Cause" and deifies its leaders ... and the Northern states don't do that with Lincoln and the superiority of its cause. Plus there's this whole pop culture notion that southerners are the only "real" Americans, I guess the rest of us are just poseurs.

    If it could be proven there was a concerted effort within the USA in re to 9-11 that was capitalized on?

    would American activists be required to "pardon" the Bush administration for their efforts, not including violations of the Constitution according to the Patriot Act?

    [Aerial incompetent key] (poem c/c)?

    Um,with no offense to a staggeringly good piece, my first time (in quotes) was far less than good. In fact it was fright-full, and misunderstood.

    Wednesday, July 20, 2011

    If he has herpes, why is he dating someone with brain cancer? I need some opinions please!?

    Why would he get involved with someone with brain cancer knowing he has herpes. He said he was tired of our long distance relationship and he was lonely. He says he's still in love with me and wants to marry me oneday when I get there but why is he with her? Yet he's having sex and dating this girl with brain cancer. I don't get it? Another thing is he said I don't want to date a dark skinned girl and he has always said that. This girl he's with is really dark. He has a big booty fetish could that be it because she has that. He also said he don't love her but he has feelings for her? What does having feelings mean? I just don't get what he's thinking about! I thought after he found out he had std's he would stop cheating, now he's with someone else.

    Did the media influence your decision, to vote for Obama in 2008?

    Nothing influenced me I seen right through that pitiful lying stack of siht the first time I ever laid eyes on his sorry ash.

    Is it okay to make a mixed veggie or mixed fruit puree for a baby who just started solids?

    I'm not concerned about allergies because I've given my daughter all of the starter food and she has not reacted to any of them. But she only eats just a little bit and I want her to get a variety when she eats. If I give her one veggie per day, it'll take a while before revisiting the same veggie again. So I'm thinking of making a puree with three or four vegetables. Is that okay (keeping in mind that she has just started eating solids, and is not too keen about eating all that much)?

    Would you ever or have you ever revisited the scene of your crimes?

    I haven't committed any kind of crime but if I was in your situation ( which I do not consider a crime but your business and no one elses )... I think it depends on the feelings, you can break up and still have feelings and you are likely to go back and fling a thing,lol sometimes break ups are good because you can make up and maybe make it work and last. the best of luck!

    Right inner thigh tingles?

    I would feel this tingling feeling in the inner right thigh( near the crotch) and wonder if anyone out there have a clue what the reason might be. i could go to the doctor but a friend of mine that works in the medical field told me most of the doctor google it up. i know i dont got std/Hiv because i got check for it couple days back, but i doubt it has anything to do with it.

    Should the UK join the Commonwealth of the US?

    Should the UK join the Commonwealth of the US just like Puerto Rico and Guam did? Judging as essentially the British have become the US' lapdog (i.e. in wars), they minus well capitalize on that. They can get cheaper trade on our goods, plus we'll benefit from their taxes. Those taxes will benefit the US economy instead of making their Queen richer.

    Speeding but no posted limit?

    Be careful, my friend. On every operation of this nature which I've seen set up the officer in charge specifically checks that all necessary signeage etc. is in place and visible on the day in question.

    Rough patch of skin on my labia minora?

    a few weeks ago i noticed a tiny little spot of skin on my labia minora that was sort of rough, and it almost looked like there were little growths there. i was hoping it would go away, but its still here a few weeks later. i'm a virgin, so i know its not an STD or anything, but should i be concerned?

    Could this be ANYTHING other than herpes?? Please help!!?

    I had oral sex with a new partner recently who said "he is clean and has no std's." About a week afterwards I got a horrible vaginal yeast infection, and a misshapen spot on the left side of one of my labia minora. I freaked out thinking this was a herpes bump. I had several bumps around my vagina, but im pretty sure those specifically were just shave bumps, like I regularly get from shaving. And they went away after a few days and did not hurt at all. When I went to the doctor, she said I had just a horrible yeast infection, and said the misshapen spot didn't look like a fever blister or wart or anything, and was probably just swollen from the yeast infection. I also got tested for all STD's except herpes, which came back negative, but then again I know I will need to get tested again bc it was only a week after exposure. Well a week or so after that, I had taken all my yeast infection meds and felt generally better down there. But mouth started doing weird things. As far as I could tell at first, there were no cold sore looking things anywhere in my mouth, but my entire tongue felt like I had burnt it. As time went on, one side of my tongue started burning the most. But all I could see near that spot on my tongue was my tastebuds. Well now its been about a week since then, and my whole tongue doesn't feel quite so burny, but it still burns on that one side the most and every once in awhile I feel the rest of the tongue still feeling a little sensitive. I also can feel with my tongue some tiny bumps on the very back left of my mouth on my gums close to the floor of my mouth, so I can't see what they look like at all. I also recently discovered tiny red bumps on the floor of my mouth under my tongue. As far as I can tell, they don't hurt. The ones on the gums in the back left tingle a little but are close to the spot on my tongue where it is burny, so it is hard to tell if I can feel those bumps. And sometimes I don't even notice the tingly tongue when I'm not thinking about it, or when i'm drinking something I don't really feel it at all. I also (on and off) have felt like something is stuck in my throat. Sometimes I feel it and sometimes I don't. Mainly the only thing that really hurts painfully has been that one spot on my tongue that felt like i bit it or something. But where i've found actual spots, merely tingles mainly IF i'm thinking about them. I still have the misshapen spot on my labia, but it does not look like a blister, still just looks like extra skin, and it has not changed in size, shape, anything. I have looked over and over to see if I have any actual blisters around my vaginal area, and so far haven't found any, and hopefully I don't. However, it is still a little red and itchy feeling down there. I'm terrified I have herpes bc I know everything I've described could be symptoms. The spots in my mouth are small and reddish and none as far as I can tell none of them are open or yellow. Is there ANYTHING else it could be besides herpes? And if I kissed someone else after the other guy, but wasnt experiencing these symptoms yet, would he have gotten it and be experiencing symptoms by now? Also, would herpes make my ENTIRE tongue feel sore even where there's no visible bumps? Please help!!! And of course I know I need to go to the doctor but I'm trying to wait until the 10-12 weeks for it to be accurate.


    So I'm 15 years old and I have had gynecomastia since I was 12.5/13 years old. I'm not overweight, and my nipples are really puffy, so whenever I wear a shirt, it looks like these two round discs are always poking out and it looks awful because the rest of my body is not fat like that. It's always really affected me; I don't have any confidence, I walk with my shoulders slouched which has caused my shoulders to become partially rounded. I only wear dark colored and big clothes, and I haven't swam in a pool with my shirt off for about 2 years, in fact I haven't even swam with a shirt on in about a year. My school uniform is a polo shirt and slacks/shorts, and I can wear two undershirts but my chest still shows through. I really hate this and my father is a doctor, so I asked him about him and he took me to a plastic surgeon. He told me that I could get surgery and walked me through it and said that if I want to wait for it to get better naturally, I would have to wait a minimum of 5 years. 5 YEARS! I really don't want to wait until I'm in college to get rid of this. This is really a problem for me and my dad understands it and has pretty much agreed for me to get it because I've talked about it and he knows how much this affected me. The only problem is my mom, she's totally against it and thinks that it is interfering with nature, when the doctor told me that he has seen a ton of kids my age and even kids younger than me have gotten this surgery. She is a very stubborn woman and I can't figure out how to persuade her. My dad, my mom, and I were supposed to have a discussion about this, but both parents keep putting it off, and my mom says that she will revisit it when I'm 18. She doesn't realize how serious this is for me, and I can't talk to her. Can anyone give me some help? I'd really appreciate it if anyone could just give me some advice.

    I think my girlfriend might be scamming me?

    Sorry buddy but you fell for the oldest scam in the books. Cut your ties with this girl and find someone in the US who can trust and who gives equal to the relationship.

    In a title, what letters do you capitalize?

    For example, the title is "what is your vision in life?". Do I need to capitalize 'is' and 'in'?

    Should the UK join the Commonwealth of the US?

    Should the UK join the Commonwealth of the US just like Puerto Rico and Guam did? Judging as essentially the British have become the US' lapdog (i.e. in wars), they minus well capitalize on that. They can get cheaper trade on our goods, plus we'll benefit from their taxes. Those taxes will benefit the US economy instead of making their Queen richer.

    How is someone having sex with a drunk person raping them?

    Ah, BUT. If she is drunk chances are both of you are drunk. Since the alcohol compromises her ability to make sound judgement then surely the same can be said of you? As in you can't make the decision to take advantage of someone and be held accountable for it. Unless the law thinks only women get affected by alcohol of course.

    Is it safer to use a condom and birthcontrol? or....?

    Is it safer to use a condom and birthcontrol? or just a condom? or just birth control? and I'm talking about not wanting to get pregnant. We (my boyfriend and i) do not have any STD's or anything, so I'm not talking about that. I just want to know if it would be safer if i used birthcontrol and a condom, rather than just a condom. Please and thank you :)

    Which of the rock operas, concept albums, and musicals on this list do you like?

    I really love Radiohead "OK Computer," The Smashing Pumpkins "Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness," Pink Floyd "The Wall," and Muse "The Residents." I have to ad three more albums to your list of Rock Operas R.E.M. "Automatic For The People," Poets Of The Fall "Twilight Theater," and The Doors "Live At Isle of Wight." Other than that you have a great list. Note : Poets Of The Fall "Twilight Theater" has nothing to do with the movie(s) "Twilight."

    Why do i keep getting warts? (hands, not STD)?

    I'm a very clean person, I have a mild OCD, and I wash my hands CONSTANTLY. I also rarely ever go outside, yet recently I've gotten a lot of small ichy bumps all over my hands. I've started to treat them with a duct tape garlic and remedy I've read about (it seems to be working). More just keep popping up though. I rarely touch the ones i have unless I'm washing, and there covered up most of the time. I don't eat a lot of vegetables and I'm guessing i may be vitamin E deficient. Could this cause my problem?

    Question on pain after sex.?

    The pull out method is the least effective of all the birth control methods. You are probably pregnant. Take a home pregnancy test as soon as possible for the results to show correctly. Buy a box of condoms and use one each time you have sex.

    Does this sound like an interesting manga storyline?

    I like it but can john be Japanese because its not really manga if the characters aren't Japanese. Good Story and Good Plot line .

    What do you think about the new "green" cemeteries?

    Its a nice thought, but in the US we are already running out of space to bury the dead, and this concept takes up way too much space (you need room for the tree to grow and expand).

    Love the run, hate the recovery... advice?

    Whenever I start training again it's tough since your using muscles and your body isn't used to the training. Water is all you need since your doing less than 90 minutes of exercise. Your body just needs to get custom to the workouts so give it a few more weeks of training. Try running later in the evenings or early in the morning. Good luck!

    She "just" got out of a relationship?

    I would just continue to be friends with her for now, and then ask her out to dinner again in a few months like she mentioned (provided things are going well). From the way it sounds she IS interested, but is hesitant to enter a relationship. The more you mention it, the more pressure she may feel and that could turn her away. If continue to be sweet, she will probably find herself looking forward to you revisiting the subject of a date. Good luck!

    Capitalization of a word after quotations?

    It is grammatically incorrect to capitalise 'he' following the exclamation mark. It is a single, complete sentence, and you do not capitalise the part of the sentence outside the quotation marks.

    I just got oral for my first time and im scared i might get it an std.?

    what are the chances i might get an std? i have never had sex or did anything other that this and im scared i might get an std.

    I want to revisit the uk how long must i wait or what website can help me with this?

    have visited in the past and want to go back again how long do i wait to revisit i am finding lots of contradictory answers to this question can anybody help me find this out please

    Could I have an STD??? Please answer.?

    If it is just pain.Maybe it is not,I think. STD always have some other symptoms except "Pain".Such as herpes symptoms,according to a std dating site called " h loving", it have symptoms like ,itchy,pain,fever and so on.So don't worried about it. you can see a doctor and deal with it .

    Rash on privates? not an STD i'm positive?

    You seem to be POSITIVE to the fact that it is NOT an STD...I hope for your sake it is not..On that note, could be your undergarments, hope they are of cotton material.......Change of bathing soap OR change of laundry detergent...Try to think of the towels that you have used and what they were washed in...Of course NEVER share towels, with ANYONE.....Hope this helps!

    Any clue to what the next NFS game will be after Shift 2?

    well first of all, ea makes a game demo/beta,then announces it.due to the success of the NFS series, u can look forward to another NFS in the near future.i love strret racing too.tere are other street racing games.check google for a whole list of street racing games.oh, good luck and have fun!

    What is going on?????

    Prudent to see a general surgeon for physical examination & a remedy.available within his purview.

    Any fans of KILLING JOKE one R&P?

    Killing Joke is fantastic, I'd have a hell of a hard time choosing my favorite album from them. The debut, "Night Time", "Extremities", the 2003 s/t and this most recent one are all contenders.

    If President Obama committed an impeachable act…?

    Would Liberals and Democrats demand for his impeachment? Example: Obama is using tax payer dollars to fund his campaign for re-election. The reason why I ask this question, is because it seems that many liberals feel Obama can do no wrong, and continue to defend his actions even though he has completely violated the Constitution and now the War Powers Act with his involvement in Libya without Senate approval. And please, try to stay focused on this question, we already know that you libs wanted to impeach Bush, no need to revisit that.

    Help Convince me of a career path please?

    A college education shows employers that you have the ability to stick with something until complete, just like proper capitalization and punctuation show that you care about the reader. Given a choice, employers will always choose someone with a degree over someone without. If you continue on to get a Masters and PHD, then there could be some concerns about "over qualification" but there wouldn't be for just a Bachelors degree.

    Tuesday, July 19, 2011

    Best friend sex advice help?

    Now that I got your attention, no I don't have herpes or any STD... My best friiend and I (im a girl hes a boy) are super close we would complain about bfs/gfs all the time to eachother... Be on the phone for hours... We know eachother inside and out! So, we have never been intimate or anything ever it's always been purely platonic that is until two days ago we got drunk an had sex and surprisingly I feel differently about him... like I realized I care about him alot more than I thought...idk if I should tell him or what to do I'm scared and I need advice.

    Who's the favorite for wimbledon wta?

    i dont think serena has been playing well lately. shes gotten hurt and just isnt playing the same. in my opinion, after that ankle injury or whatever she hasnt gotten back to the point she used to be. sharapova has a real shot in this one! shes been doing really great and is on a roll lately. butttt venus has always done great on grass. i want wozniaki to win because i love her style of play!

    Husband has had a rash after sex, I am pregnant and it has never happened before?

    Did you use any lubricant? Sometimes the lubricant can cause a rash. Also, when you are pregnant, you are more prone to yeast infections. It's a little-known fact that men can also get yeast infections. It's possible that you may have had a high yeast content and he could have gotten a rash from it. The best way for him to take care of it is to let it get some air. Have him walk around in some cotton boxers when he's not at work. He can also try applying some non-flavored yogurt to the affected area in addition to letting it get air.

    Do you think I have an STD in my mouth, PLEASE HELP?

    I gave this guy head for my first time 10 days ago. I know it was wrong and I shouldn't have. Early Friday morning, underneath my tongue started hurting. I was touching my tongue to my nose like an hour before, so I don't know if that had something to do with it. Today, the side of my tongue was hurting. Then I was examing the inside of my mouth and my lip started bleeding a little. And now my lips stings and there's something tiny and white next to it. And the inside of my mouth hurts/stings, like my tongue and even my throat. I don't know if this is all blown out of proportion in my mind or what. I don't want to go to the doctor because I don't want to tell my parents what I did. The guy told me he's had sex with one other girl and they were both virgins. What do you think and what should I do?

    Ok so I hav a rather odd question?

    ok so I hav this Idea that my body releases a weird radiation (I may sound stupid and weird but Im serious). because electronics seem to act differently when I handle them or am around them. and whenever Im at a place for a long time. every time I revisit that place I get overwhelming anxiety (I have severe anxiety problems so it could be nothing) but my anxiety seems to be worse in places like, my room, or in places Im usually at. and again with the electronic thing I can explain more but first I need to know that I dont sound insane. please no rude comments

    Could I have an STD?? Please, please answer?

    I am 14 so i dont know that much about stuff like this, but i can tell you that when something im not sure about but i dont want to go to the doctor i search it on google

    What are the Main Reasons why you Think the 1980s were the "Golden Era"?

    i think at the end of the day, a lot of people back then didnt get that pro wrestling was scripted. Kayfabe was respected a lot by the wrestlers and they would stay in character to the public. And just like anything in life people evolve and see things differently. Many years ago i bet no one ever thought that racism would for the most part not be too existent. I think back then it would be viewed more like a sport or even more like a freak show as guys were bigger and most wrestlers were "men" in the sense that most guys would be in like 30s+ compared to now a days where you see a lot of youth.

    Were you familiar with X-Men before the movies and the Saturday morning cartoon show from the 90's?

    A lot of people did not know what X-Men was up until the cartoon show and the movies capitalized on the popularity of the cartoon show.

    Can you help me find a poe in Zelda Twilight Princess?

    (gamecube version only) I heard there's some sort of trick by throwing the boomerang, taking out the sword and jumping I believe. you get past large gaps very easily and can get through the dungeon quickly this way. there's videos of it on youtube

    Could this be an STD without sex?

    My friend and her boyfriend have made out on several occasions. Basically, she has been itching on her clitoris and around it, it's even red and sometimes it burns when she urinates but not on the inside...just when the urine hits the outside of her genital. But they have NEVER had sex, she said the only thing they do is hump each other....she put her private on his while naked...could this possibly be an STD?..She said he doesn't have anything and neither does she (virgin). So what STD could this be? She is only 17 and afraid to ask her parents to take her to the gynecologist because they are very strict. She is waiting until marriage, but they are in love so that's the way the show it...anyway let me know. Also this started about over a year ago, but it only happens every few months that's why she thought maybe it could be just a vaginal itch.

    Why do some folks on here intentionally avoid capitalizing words like "christian" or "jesus"?

    Is there some sort of childish resentment going on there? It just bothers me... he capitalizes wherever else is necessary, such as with "Romans", "Sumerians", "Jews", etcetera, but refuses to apply proper capitalization techniques to anything associated with Christianity. He's not the only one.

    Rash on *** or maybe ringworm?

    I have a rash on both my *** cheeks next to my *** hole. I thot it might be from me having so much hair so I shaved it but it's still here. Thot it was jock itch, got prescribed a cream and that still didn't work? Could this be an STD? Or just a rash? I'm scared.

    Suggestions for movies about homosexual relationships in history?

    Philip Morris, it's about a con artist who comes out of the closet and starts a gay relatiinship. Based on a true story too.

    What do you think of Jim Ross opinion of WCW's Booking during the WCW Nitro Timeframe?

    What would the average fan want to see? A group of elderly men throwing up gang signs and representing their colors or something new, exciting, with over the top moves that will get them to jump out of their seats and cheer for the action? That's right they cheered for Rey Mysterio Jr, Psicosis, Juventud Guerra, Eddie Guerrero, Dean Malenko, Chris Jericho matches.

    Would you go along with this? Why does he get so angry when I call her his gf, in your opinion?

    We're in a long distance relationship. His patients has ranned out and he has cheated on me several times. He also contracted 2 std's, one which he can't get rid of. I forgave him and told him we can work it out even though I'm a virgin I told him we'll be careful. After I found out he had the std's I just thought he was going to stop having sex and be faithful to me until I got there. I found out he had been lying to me about another female. They have been talking for 5 months now. He said he's just "kicking it" with her until I get there and he wants me to accept that. I also found out she has brain cancer. I just think he's too involved in her life. Not only do have sex. They go bowling, movies, dinner, he's met ALL her family and friends. He gets mad at me extremely mad when I call her his gf. I don't know what to do! I love him but I don't want to deal with that AT ALL!!!!

    Do you think people write others off too easily and label them as 'psycho' when it comes to relationships?

    I called my ex a psycho cause he was not only that but a monster, con artist, pathological liar he loved lying it was like breathing to him

    Should I be concerned?

    I have a 2 year old daughter...had a normal pregnancy with her. Have never had a miscarriage or an abortion. I am 19.....dont drink or smoke and have never had an std. I am currently 7 weeks pregnant with my second child and am worried....when I was pregnant with my daughter I had morning sickness really bad ay this point. The only thing I have now is breast soreness. My first doctor appointment is next month. I heard if you dont have alot of pregnancy symptoms youll miscarry. Should I be concerned?

    ***POLL: Where do you think The Real World should go next?

    Lately it seems that The Real World is revisiting cities instead of travelling to new ones. I'd love for The Real World to take on Orlando, Madrid, or maybe even Tokyo! How about you?

    Which album , in your opinion, was the best of the 60's?

    The album that changed rock music forever - The Jimi Hendrix Experience: "Are You Experienced". Favorite song? I love them all!

    I'm missing major pieces to academics?

    I can't do simple things because I refused to work as a child. ABCs? Forget it. I know all the letters in the alphabet, just not the order. This is the same with the months of the years and simple mathematics. For example, I'd have to do out 36 + 59 completely. It's honestly awful and embarrassing. I'm currently 16 years old and I want to revisit these skills so I can master them and be relatively smart around academics. Is this still possible? Or am I too old to do it? If I can, how can I go about it?

    What do you call believing in the Creator and also in reincarnation and also in the resurrection?

    I call it being open minded. It is good to understand what other people believe as they do. It is good to understand other doctrines of beliefs because you'll eventually understand the commonality in all religions and philosophies and will be able to weed out the man made dogma. You'll come to a point in life where you realize the illusions in life and that there are many paths to god. I don't care what christians, muslims, jews, buddhists, daoists, confucianists, hindus, and other religions i may have not mentioned have to say about each other's doctrines of beliefs. We are all going to the same place no matter who is right or wrong about the after life. My only advice is whatever path your on study, search, and test all aspects and follow your heart. Because deep inside you can only make yourself happy and free from prejudice that of others because they have different beliefs. Dont let anyone bring you down. Listen to your own heart.

    Is this irritation or STD?

    i have just recently deployed. And when you come to iraq you have to drink lots of water so i pee alot and the toilet paper is not Charmin. But i have noticed that i am like a little raw down there, and i am a bit of a hypochondriac, but has anyone experienced this? or do i need to go to dr? i have no other symptoms of STD at all i mean not discharge nothing, just when i pee it feels like i have like little chapped like when you have chapped lips... dry? HELP ME LADIES!

    When writing in a paragraph, should the term 'iambic pentameter' be capitalized?

    Iambic pentameter is the most common English meter so as it is identifying a particular meter it has to be capitalized

    Pokemon White White Forest, how to expand white forest?

    You have to either fiddle with the clock enough until White Forest is empty or just wait for some trainers to leave (after each day passes by, the trainer loses five points). Once the points reach zero, the trainer leaves and you can go to black city again to replace him.

    Is it worth waiting for his divorce to be final and his head to clear? Or just forget it and move on?

    Honestly, carry on with your life, but don't write him off completely, and hopefully he will return one day - just don't count on it.

    Is a math prerequisite needed to study statistics?

    I haven't studied algebra etc for a while, however wish to study statistics in detail. Can this be done stand alone? or will it be necessary to revisit high school math concepts.

    I can see ghost or am I just crazy; Hear my story.?

    Well that is some serious stuff. If you are feeling that if it is dreaming or not maybe you should see a therapist. I have never been in a situation like this. I watch too many movies. lol

    Need some help 4 a persian girl?

    i kissed my insanely hot persian friend and i was wondering how i could capitalize on it. what are things girls really like (she smokes a ton of Weed but shes still insanely hot)

    Am at risk of having a std?

    Recently I was at a strip club and after a good amount of drinks I ended up getting a private room with one of the strippers. We had protected sex but at one point the condom I was wearing almost slipped off but I noticed right away and stopped everything, wiped off my shaft and left. The condom was only covering my head and about a inch of my shaft. This incident has brought a great ideal of tension and anxiety to my mind, I just want to know what's the risk of any STD being transmitted ? All the strippers must be HIV clean and get tested monthly but I'm not convinced that all the strippers are HIV clean. Please If someone has useful information that can help me it would truly mean the most to me, I appreciate everyone's help in my time of need. Thank you.

    7 month old Puggle, going backwards in house training!!?

    At 7-9 motnhs is when they go through their teen months. Like many vets would tell you, it seems like they forgot everything and seems like they are an awful dog but once they get through this rebelious period they will be back to the obedient dog you once knew and loved. They are just like humans in this way, they wont listen and they wont follow the rules and they even do things just to make you mad, you just gotta get through this point and they willl be a good dog again. Ive had many many dogs and they all went through this (the little dogs are evn worse during this time) but dont worry they will be good again. For the chewing i suggest an anti chewing spray. Its 100% natural and 100% safe. It has a really bitter taste that dogs hate but no odor. Its safe to use on anything (except the dog itself) even leather couches, it can be bought at walmart or any pet store. But as far as the behavorial problems right now, there isnt really much you can do about it during their teen time.


    So I'm 15 years old and I have had gynecomastia since I was 12.5/13 years old. I'm not overweight, and my nipples are really puffy, so whenever I wear a shirt, it looks like these two round discs are always poking out and it looks awful because the rest of my body is not fat like that. It's always really affected me; I don't have any confidence, I walk with my shoulders slouched which has caused my shoulders to become partially rounded. I only wear dark colored and big clothes, and I haven't swam in a pool with my shirt off for about 2 years, in fact I haven't even swam with a shirt on in about a year. My school uniform is a polo shirt and slacks/shorts, and I can wear two undershirts but my chest still shows through. I really hate this and my father is a doctor, so I asked him about him and he took me to a plastic surgeon. He told me that I could get surgery and walked me through it and said that if I want to wait for it to get better naturally, I would have to wait a minimum of 5 years. 5 YEARS! I really don't want to wait until I'm in college to get rid of this. This is really a problem for me and my dad understands it and has pretty much agreed for me to get it because I've talked about it and he knows how much this affected me. The only problem is my mom, she's totally against it and thinks that it is interfering with nature, when the doctor told me that he has seen a ton of kids my age and even kids younger than me have gotten this surgery. She is a very stubborn woman and I can't figure out how to persuade her. My dad, my mom, and I were supposed to have a discussion about this, but both parents keep putting it off, and my mom says that she will revisit it when I'm 18. She doesn't realize how serious this is for me, and I can't talk to her. Can anyone give me some help? I'd really appreciate it if anyone could just give me some advice.

    List of good institution in bangalore for information science & engineering?

    i have completd my 12 std i have diceded to study info-science so i want some good engineering collegs so plz tell atlest 10 good colleges in banglore ....

    HELP !!! what is my deficiency?

    ok so am just gonna give some symptoms: i am very under-weight for my age(16), my lips get cracked and peels alot, my hair comes out easily, i get sick easily, frequent headaches and nausea....just to name a few but it has to be a deficiency of sorts, i am not sexually active so its not a STI/ STD and i have been trying to gain weight for about 5 months now and it seems am getting skinnier...please help!!

    Are Teenage Girls Worse School Bullies Than Teenage Boys? (Revisited)?

    i think females are worse because they're more sublte and hurtful. boys generally just make it obvious and hurt physically, so the strong can fight back but girls often work in groups so your always outnumbered and strike when your alone. the dirty looks are sublte but really effective and whispers and all that is just horrible. Me and my friend were sometimes picked on and i just tried to ignore it but my friend always smiled at them and was ncie to them which really worked becuase then they knew they didnt have an effect.

    Penis burns when i ejaculate?

    ok im 13 i dont have an std and it doesnt burn when i pee only when i ejaculate im pretty sure its becuz im straining my penis but my real question is if it will stunt my penis growth or can i keep doin it? thnx

    Monday, July 18, 2011

    Why do Germans do this?

    All regular nouns are capitalized in the German language, also formal "You" pronouns such as Sie and Ihnen. The pronoun "I" ... Ich in German is not capitalized unless it is at the start of a sentence.

    Will you please C & C this new version of a 2005 poem?

    What I like about your writing is that you include meanings in one, two, three words and then another meaning is separated, and another and another. And then, they mix beautifully. Good poetry, kind girl.

    Im 13 and want to have sex?

    i only want helpful answers. I know i could get an std or get pregnant but truthfully i dont know if its because of puberty but i do. I know i am to young but i have talked with alot of people close to me who are older. Some of them are vigins and some of them arent. They are all saying they regreted it and such but they would support me no matter my desicion other then 1 who really cares about me. She said if i did she would be angry and not speak to be because i would have known the right desicion but you go and did something stupid that you will regret. Thats what she told me and that made me kinda change my desicion because if i lost her it would me the end of my life. Thanks and only respectful and helpful answers.

    Do you capitalize 'more than'?

    I think I'm correct in believing that 'more than' is a subordinating conjunction. But when it's in a title, does it count as one 8-letter word, or 2 4-letter words? Help please!

    Vaginal pain during intercourse... 6 weeks pregnant.. help me please?

    My vaginal region is fine while me and my husband fool around with out penetration, but as soon as he penetrates me in one specific spot about an inch maybe half an inch on the left side of my vaginal wall it hurts like crazy. Its a stinging pain and its too painful to continue with intercourse... so we have to stop... ive never had this problem before, and ive been pregnant twice before but have never experienced any pain like this during intercourse, i also know for sure that i dont have an STD.

    Should you capitalize every word in a tattoo?

    like i am thinking about getting "Not all Treasure is Silver and Gold" capitalization just like that. but i was wondering if there is any preferable way that people have it?

    Capitalization (the earth? the Earth?

    it is capitalized when you talk about the planet, because it is a proper noun (the name of a place) and all proper nouns are capitalized. It doesn't matter whether 'the' is in front or not. If it's the planet it's Earth or the Earth. It is not capitalized if you are talking about dirt, since that is a common noun (a thing). Again, it will not change with 'the' in front of it.

    How did the first STD ever come to be if you can only get an STD by having sex with someone who has it?

    You could get them other ways, like if you get a cut and the bacteria gets into you somehow, for example.

    Will they ever make another good Final Fantasy?

    I've beaten 1-7 (including the previously unreleased ones) + 9 and tactics. I don't like 8, or 10 or any of the ones after it. The battle system has just taken turns in so many bad directions, the Motifs are no longer Sci-fi/Fantasy but are now modeled to have the same feel as a bad anime, and much to my sadness I feel like the name Final Fantasy has lost it's credibility. Dragon quest 9, sentinels of the stary sky's was great, and felt more like final fantasy then any final fantasy game that's come out in years. Will square ever revisit its roots and make another epic master peice?

    Nostalgia. Is anyone else like this?

    im a 21 year old male, about to be senior at LSU. i enjoy watching things like power rangers and spongebob and even sesame street in my spare time. i know its dumb, my gf thinks im being weird lol but watching old cartoons tht noone my age watches comforts me, very very much. its like revisiting my childhood, almost like a weird drug induced tripi get from kicking back and watching old cartoons of my childhood. can anyone relate to how i feel? lol just curious, srry for the bizarre question

    Out of Date NEW Textbooks?!?!?

    Maybe George Washington used the most stringent privacy settings and the publishers are afraid of being sued by him for invading his privacy?!!! Actually, though, if you taught history, wouldn't it be a great assignment to have students develop a page (or maybe a blog) for historical figures like this?

    Does anyone know which fungus this is?

    Yes this is a Bracken Fern... you can google images for Pteridium aquilinum. Bracken ferns contain a carcinogen (linked to some stomach and esophageal cancers, first noticed in cattle that had this fern growing in their pastures)...It's extremely invasive, likes to colonize disturbed ecosystems...

    Pokemon Trading Anybody!?

    Does anyone want to trade some pokemon. I just revisited this guilty pleasure of mine and I need to bulk up my team. I'm playing the platinum version.

    How do I get this c++ program to compile?

    Your third line with cout is missing a quotation mark. After finding this I did not keep looking for additional errors.

    Friend problem?! This is a pretty big issue and I need help..?

    Ok so two years ago when I was twelve I was hanging out with a older friend which was 16 years old and she was starting to get intrested in teenage stuff like sex. Well I wanted to be just like her and wanted to feel cool so I was pressured into giving a handjob and stuff like that. I felt so bad afterwards like it haunted me for a year and a half and then I had to realize that God forgave me so I'm gonna have to forgive myself! And that's just what I did. Well soon after I did it the friend I had turned on me and told everyone! I was made fun of it all the way up to Christmas. One day my bestfriend Renee decided to hang out with the people that made fun of me for it most and she turned on me to eventually and the following monday after being told how skanky I was and how many STD's I probably had Renee and I got in a fist fight at school. And well 2 months later or so we became friends again not as close but we talked alot. Well I was pretty much the only one in our grade (8th) to have had done anything sexual. Well one day I was walking with some grls and they were talking about Renee and I was walking with my bestfriend also and she was also the closest to Renee and they were talking about her having sex with her ex and I didnt really believe so I just came out and asked and she confessed to it. I didn't look down on her or lose any respet for her cause I knew how bad it felt to be made fun of. I was there for her through it all. Well cheerleading try outs soon came and she made the squad which i didn't try out. Cheerleading for the school comes with many rules and one of them is NO cussing and yes sometimes when I get mad I cuss ALOT but I'm not as bad as some people well she wrote this note saying how rude I am and how I have such a cussing problem and crap like. Which kinda hurt cause I thought she was my friend. Well we talked about it and got through it and I was still there for her. Well the guy she did it with she is now with again and her parents found out about her doing it with him and they still allow her to be with him and stuff. Well I have been talking to this guy and it's my bestfriends brother which my bestfriend is ok with well as I was talking to him it got brought up and turns out Renee slept with him to!!!!! Well I told my bestfriend and that caused lots of problems with my bestfriend and Renee and my bstfriend was her bestfriend as well! But I didn't judge Renee I didn't tell her what was on my mind I just ket telling her to pray to God and I was always there or her! Well since the mistake I made I havent done anything sexual I've remained pure. Well the other day she told her parents about what I did nd now shes not allowed to hang out with me..I feeled completely dissed by my friend any advice?!

    Should I shave for a vaginal swab? ( testing for a general infection )?

    I am nervous about it, and I am wondering do you shave or not? I just have a funny oder that is extra strong, so I wanted to get it checked on. I am not sexually active so its not an std. I just wanted your opinion? I have a lady doctor I am seeing which makes it even more awkward... :/ what do they do?

    Roswell: What did you think of Max's character?

    I've been revisiting the show through Netflix. I was working so I missed the last season. As I'm watching it I have to agree with other characters in their assessment of him. He was very selfish and a narcissist. He always thought about himself and how his life was. sure he cared for Liz when it was convient but always put her life on the line in pursuit of what he wanted, especially when he was looking for his son. He never listened to Michael or Isobel, especially when they were right. He should have allowed her to tell their parents and Jesse the truth of who they were. I don't know he started to get on my nerves and what was with the 5'o clock shadow through out the 3rd season. that just bugged me. I know he was older but playing a teen he should have shave a bit closer if he needed. I'm just saying. Any fans or thoughts about the show.

    When you are saying Jesus as a pronoun like "he" or "him" would you make the pronoun capitalized?

    I know you hav to do this with God but how about jesus? i need to know for a report THANKS!! ill be sure to pick the best answer

    I don't know if this is an std or not, PLEASE HELP?

    I don't know what to do. I'm a teen girl. I gave a guy head 10 days ago. He said he's only had sex with one girl, they were both virgins apparently. Today my mouth, especially tongue, felt tingly/burning and it scared me. I found big bumps in a v-shape on the back of my tongue, and that really scared me, but apparently these are normal? Still not positive about that. Now my throat is hurting, and the inside of my mouth still tingles and just feels weird. I asked my mom if the bumps were normal and she said yes. I really don't want to tell her what I did. I know it was wrong. What do I need to do?

    Does anyone remember the name of this Christmas movie?

    I remember watching this movie during my elementary school days, but I never knew the name! I'm a high-schooler now but I remember watching it every year around the time of Christmas in elementary school. I don't know how old it is but to give it a general idea, I went to pre-k in 1999 and watched it. The movie was a Christmas musical I guess; they sing some pretty classic carols, but then I think there were some original ones too. There were singing angel dolls, and I believe a family gets whisked away on a flying snowflake and ends up in Santa's toy shop, in which another musical number begins. I remember the elves like singing their names too or something. Also, there was a Christmas tree calendar...I'm sorry that this isn't very specific, but I remember very little about it and I wanna know the name of the movie so I can revisit it. It was a really good movie too!

    For Christians & non-theists: The Problem of Evil (Revisited...again). How would you answer Ivan?

    The best Christian response I can give is this... It was idyllic in the beginning. Humans ruined it. God has interfered for us in the spiritual sense so that we do not have to die an eternal death. That's what he saved us from. Until Jesus comes back, we must endure. He calls Christians to be a light in the world, to be his hands and feet (not just mouth pieces). Where are the Christians who are taking up this work? We're not doing enough and I'll admit it. My heart breaks daily for the evil in the world.

    Sunday, July 17, 2011

    My bf is okay with my cold sores?

    so iv been having cold sores allot way before my first kiss.i hadn't had one lately then all of a sudden one popped currently in a relationship and he noticed it and told me it was okay.that he'd love me either way.he often even tries to kiss me because he says he wants what i have(i don't have a STD by the way) its just awkward to me..i mean he says he doesn't care but i think hes freaked out.what do you think?

    Weirdest feeling ever on shrooms, was it a flashback?

    Well i was tripping the other day and all of a sudden I felt a shock in my neck. The second I felt it I remembered when I was about 12 getting shocked by an electric fence. I hadn't been thinking about it, but it felt exactly the same...same tingling same reaction, everything. Now I know flashbacks are usually when you revisit other times you were tripping, but could this have been a flashback just to another point in my life, and was it even a flashback at all? Like can you have a flashback of just a feeling? Because that was all it was, and nothing else, just the feeling of being shocked by the electric fence.

    Ex girlfriend needs/wants to move out...?

    not an enabler. In order for a person to succeed, they may need to fall in order to stand by themselves. I really do hope this helps, and i wish you the best of luck. +++

    Please can anyone offer some words of wisdom?

    This is how I feel. I think the way your family is choosing to live is not what your sister wants. Based on what you have written, I take it your family is very strict and very strict about religion probably, and that may not be what your sister wants, so maybe you and your family should take this into consideration and have a serious talk about giving her more freedom because it doesn't matter what your parents do to instill their beliefs in her; she is going to turn out the way she is and there is nothing they can do about that, so there is no sense in doing all this fighting. Of course, I don't agree with her sneaking out of the house at night; I think I'd be asking her what exactly it is that she is doing and make sure that it is indeed not something serious. If her nightly activities are harmless (like hanging out with friends), then I strongly advise considering a life style change for her because it sounds like your family's current life style is not for her. Best of luck to you.

    Why do I get a "You cannot view this question at this time" messege?

    When I revisit my answers, I occasionally get stopped at the border. Has the asker somehow caused this? Was my answer considered too cheeky? Is this permanent? 'kew.


    So I'm 15 years old and I have had gynecomastia since I was 12.5/13 years old. I'm not overweight, and my nipples are really puffy, so whenever I wear a shirt, it looks like these two round discs are always poking out and it looks awful because the rest of my body is not fat like that. It's always really affected me; I don't have any confidence, I walk with my shoulders slouched which has caused my shoulders to become partially rounded. I only wear dark colored and big clothes, and I haven't swam in a pool with my shirt off for about 2 years, in fact I haven't even swam with a shirt on in about a year. My school uniform is a polo shirt and slacks/shorts, and I can wear two undershirts but my chest still shows through. I really hate this and my father is a doctor, so I asked him about him and he took me to a plastic surgeon. He told me that I could get surgery and walked me through it and said that if I want to wait for it to get better naturally, I would have to wait a minimum of 5 years. 5 YEARS! I really don't want to wait until I'm in college to get rid of this. This is really a problem for me and my dad understands it and has pretty much agreed for me to get it because I've talked about it and he knows how much this affected me. The only problem is my mom, she's totally against it and thinks that it is interfering with nature, when the doctor told me that he has seen a ton of kids my age and even kids younger than me have gotten this surgery. She is a very stubborn woman and I can't figure out how to persuade her. My dad, my mom, and I were supposed to have a discussion about this, but both parents keep putting it off, and my mom says that she will revisit it when I'm 18. She doesn't realize how serious this is for me, and I can't talk to her. Can anyone give me some help? I'd really appreciate it if anyone could just give me some advice.

    How do you ACTUALLY tell a guy you like him?

    I've revisited this question many times, I do have someone special in mind at the moment, I do have a crush on him, although it's been quite a while and I've managed to get over most of the butterflies, but out of curiosity, if I knew him quite well and if we were friends/if I had a chance, how could I explain my feelings for him (must be spontaneous, because I don't know him that well and I just want to get it off my chest, it's a great burden).

    Symptoms of losing your virginity?

    i lost my virginity 3days ago on june 25th. there was an intense pain in my vagina and thighs but i never bled. the whole day i felt shaky and jittery. the pain lasted for 2days and now its easing away. i haven't really been hungry or really even wanted food since then, i've just wanted to sleep. i dont feel sick at all, the day after i did b/c didn't know what to tell my mom but there is no nausea now. ifeel really vacant now that it's gone, but no one has really noticed b/c i made sure to maintain my fun personality around them. my period comes on every 16 days and last for 3-5 days and around the week or the first few days its about to come on i get a disharge. my period is due on july 3rd-4th ( it always comes on during big days) but since i lost it i took a mirror down there to examine it and im freaking out as to what kind of discharge it is b/c i was browsing google and they said i could have a UTI or even an STD i know its still possible but we used a condom and it didnt break. luckily before this all happend i scheduled a doctor's appt for june 30th for my regular check up. i'm going to ask to run all the tests again (i've been tested for everything when i was a virgin) and pray for the best. i want to know if what i'm feeling is normal and if you know any symptoms of STD's. i'm probably going to have to go on birthcontrol anyway to regulate my period, they said it would regulate it self but they said that 5years ago >.< the only pain i still feel is the knots in my stomach , upper and lower but theyr not intense, i only feel them when i go to sleep and when i wake up

    Symptoms of a yeast infection?

    Seems like yeast (thick white discharge and no odor). Usually BV smells fishy, and the discharge is gray thin and profuse. Though you should still make an appointment to rule out chlamydia and gonorrhea.

    Ran out of females on virtual villagers 3 app?

    I have been playing Virtual Villagers 3 on my iPod touch for a while now and I just revisited (internet went down for a while) and I only have 2 males left! Is there any way to get a female somehow? Also I just had another male join and he came from a boat that arrived. Can I help the game do this again but with a female? Any help please, thanks!

    Quick Catalan grammar question?

    First rule first : never, ever, under any circumstances call the catalan language a dialect, you'd risk being murdered. I am not a catalan, but lived in Barcelona for seven years. Proper nouns, restaurants, hostels, cinemas, etc. are capitalized. Days of the week or months aren't. Names of cities are capitalized as in Barcelona, but if I said that I was barcelonesa (from Barcelona) the capital B wouldn't apply.What on earth made you decide to study catalan ? I never liked it, although I absolutely love Barcelona. xxxXxxx

    Why is he and him, when referring to God, capitalized?

    Because they think it exists and it's holy. But, yes, the abbreviation of helium is capitalized, and it does exist.

    PLEASE help ! Yellow/white pimple in tonsil arch above? Pic?

    get checked to make sure everything is ok, and get all infections ruled out. if you dont want to go to the doc you can always call them and just ask in general what is it if i have this on my roof of my mouth or whatever, but you should get it checked

    Is it illegal to invest lets say $100,000.00 to turn it into lets say millions?

    what happens if the individual or company doesn't realize they capitalized in an illegal manner--does that count?

    It burns when i pee and it itches badly?

    I am already past the std age , dont have that problem , but it burns so bad when i pee I feel like i will pass out , usually this happens when i wear tight clothing, one reason , and i dont drink alot of water, but i do drink water more than i use too, But i dont have access to a way to get to a doctor no car and i live way far out of town... anyway any ideas would be great

    Where in this html would I embed my Groovaeshark playlist/widget? (Tumblr Layout theme)?



    1. I have reddish blotches under my skin on my arms?

      ok so here it is i have like reddish blotches under my skin on my arms...its not itchy and has no pain to it but is very weird...there are acouple of spots where its alittle raised like 2 bumps in about 3-4 spots but not all arms contantly hurt in my muscles and joints but not to the point where i cant do anything just very annoying,..ive had this for about a week and a half now and i dont know what it is...i set up an appointment with a dermetologist and the appointment is not for a week so i wanna see if i can find something in the mean time..its only on my arms though too which is weird no where else on my this something i should be worried about or is it because its hot out and ive been working in the yard the past couple of days..ive worked in the heat before though and none of this has a 29 year old male with no medical problems or any STD's ever...Please anything would help..thanks for your time in advance

      Bioshock 2 vs Left for Dead 2?

      both are awful games. Bioshock one was sexy, Left for dead 1 was sick. Bioshock 2 is about being one of the fat guys and it is too hard to play because of how boring it is. Left for dead 2 is awful as well because it is basically the same game. If you want to go old i suggest Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, or Mass Effect 2

      Capitalization for a name with lower case?

      If someone's name is, for example, Jen de Guzman, and you wanted to formally address them like "Dear Mrs. so-and-so," do you capitalize the "de" in this instance? So would it be "Mrs. De Guzman" or "Mrs. de Guzman"?

      Is 58 words a minute fast?

      I'm 15 and never taken a typing class. i decided to take one of the online speed tests and on it got 58 words of different lengths spelled right and 2 wrong (one because of spelling the other i just didn't capitalize) i didn't look at the keyboard either sooooo is that good or average or bad??

      Help with c++ programing?

      Where's the code you're having trouble with? Add it, then I'll help you fix it. I'm not doing all of it for you.

      Do I have penile ringworm?

      I noticed I have 3 or 4 red rings on the shaft of my penis on the underside. They don't really itch, but I have never had ringworm so I don't know if it is or not. I went to the Dr. and she told me that it could be ringworm, but didn't tell me what it could be if it weren't. She also mentioned that if the clotrimazole cream she gave me didn't work, then to come have a blood test done. This kind of worried me because I have been sexually active. I always use a condom when I have intercourse and they have never broken. I did receive unprotected oral once without a condom, but these rings starts showing up a few weeks after that and the Dr. told me a few weeks before(after the sex) that I was STD -free. I think it might just be ringworm because I was just on a long vacation in Thailand and is was really hot and humid there and I was sweating profusely. Does this sound more like ringworm from sweating in Thailand or something more serious? Any Drs. on here?

      Discharge question, tmi...?

      Sorry for the tmi but u were warned. I am having odd vaginal discharge. No itch or redness just discharge when I wipe and in my panties. Yesterday it was yellow/white/peachy and clumpy no odor. Today it is yellow less clumpy. I did use yogurt last night to treat it like a yeast infection. I am std free, married and have been so for the past 4 years. Does this sound like a bad yeast infection or a bacterial?

      My dad is cheating on my mom, Help?

      My mom caught my dad cheating on her with someone that works with him. My mom is totally devastated to the point that she stopped eating and lost about 70 pounds. She also got cosmetic surgery (breast implants, liposuction and sculpting) to try and win him back (against my begging and trying to convince her that it wouldn't get her what she wants). She is totally an emotional wreck and she has done a total personality 160. She also lost her job before she found out, which didn't help at all. He gave her STD's as well - from that woman. I want to be her rock - even though many of you will probably tell me to but out. It's hard for me to be though, because I have college to worry about. I'm running out of ideas. Do you think they should both go to infidelity counseling ( I think my mom should leave him though) or should she go to counseling to get empowered? I want her to become the strong woman she was before. Any advice can help, thanks guys :)

      Saturday, July 16, 2011

      What if you say things you don't mean to say when you are upset? how can you apologize?

      i found some old xrated pictures of my husband and his old flame. i was very upset and told him about them. he told me to delete them he had forgotten they were there. (he had given his laptop to his family, so he had not used this laptop for some time now). well he was totally innocent and i believe him, but i was so enraged that i proceeded to bring up old stuff that i never told him about me...why? i don't know...i had a sharp tongue and he was doing his best to calm me down and apologize. i was def. hurt, mad, sad...etc...i elluded to going out with a guy from his college that i never told him about. he ignored this and said that it didn't matter...nothing matters but the we made up. but i yoyoed a few times over the weekend. feeling good some time, then feeling lousy others and crying just thinking about the images i saw....he did his best to be there and listen to me. well faster forward a day and we are hanging out with our daughter. i tell him that things are still on my mind and and he acknowledges. we are there playing with our daughter then he asks to revisit the things i blurted he asks what i was refering to when i mentioned that other guy. well what i had never told my husband is that the day we met i met this other guy. it was a party. so i went out with my husband a few times and i went out with this other guy once after i went out with my husband. well dinner and drinks turned to hanging out at his we had sex. after this...we talked briefly but i was not interested and i told him that i was now involved with someone seriously so we could not go out any more. so when my husband asked about this...i asked if he was sure he wanted to talk about it and he said yes. so i was honest and told him about this. now i would have never mentioned this if i hadn't been mad. but i felt like i lost control and my mind...i felt like i wanted to hurt him...but when i think about it...i think it is unfair....he didn't do anything to deserve this treatment. well after i told him about the past. he was disappointed. we didn't become boyfriend and girlfriend until after so it's not like a cheated, we were still getting to know each other. what can i do now? he was bumbed and said that things would probably be different had he known then, but that all that matters is us now. we are very close and have a great marriage, but i feel like these events have damaged a part of us. i wish i never would have lost my cool. i wrote him a letter since he will be away for a few days. he hasn't read it. but today we both made attempts to move on with our lives and focus on us. i feel embarrased and guilty, because i could have prevented this from escalating. was it too late to be honest? should i have retracted and denied this? i had been wanting to tell him, but i felt i couldn't bring this up. the way i brought it up was not the way i had wanted to bring it up...i was angry and hurt. what should i do? has this happened to anyone...where they are dating multiple people...well i only went out with him once...before my husband and i got in a monogomous relationship. will my husband look at me differently now? i love him very much and wish i hadn't hurt him so much with this information. thank you for your time.

      Where would you take your kid if they have been very ill for months and you can't get a diagnosis?

      My 15 year old son has been so ill and disabled for about 8 months now ever since a 15 minutes laser surgery on his arm last year where he was put to sleep with general anesthesia. He is in constant pain across his chest and just feels very sick 24/7 since this surgery and I can't get a real answer or help. I do know now that they do see some deep malformations in his chest and these type of malformations are very painful, but he has always had these all over his body and I know now that he has P.O.T.S. and I diagnosed this and got it confirmed with a cardiologist. I saw his heart monitor in the hospital about a week after surgery go from about 60 to almost 200 upon standing and the doctor that I told in the hospital said he was probably dehydrated, which I knew wasn't the case he had been drinking loads of gatorade and water, so I revisited this scenario a few months later at a cardiologist office and they reconfirmed that this is one problem that is going on, but even with these 2 problems that I found it still seems like he's so sick that something else has to be the problem also. Especially since this all started immediately after surgery. Can anyone guide me on where to take my son? He has almost zero quality of life now, he's in so much pain and can hardly walk more than a several steps around the house or he's about to pass out and the chest pain gets worse and worse as he walks. His heart has checked out fine, so it's nothing to do with the structure of his heart, just the heartrate problem of going up extremely high as he stands.

      Can you get an std from giving oral?

      I am just curious because someone told me that you can only get one if you have a cut in your mouth , and if he doesen't c u m can you still get one? Someone please help. I am a girl by the way.

      A poem perhaps, Do you read me?

      Believability carries an onus that few will give one grace on and such 1st grade primer begs a big question mark? Especially when the authors you mentioned are not exactly reading material for the age, unless you are a precocious genius waiting for words to catch up with your mind. Now tell me again Pippi, how was the first grade?

      Should one revisit old hobbies?

      Many hobbies are started when someone is very young. As you get older, their interests might change or other things like school will take up most of their time. It is very common for someone to revisit an old hobby as their life style changes. It happens all the time. Ask any collector or serious hobbyist if the stopped their hobby for some time.


      So, I get what you're saying. Guys do that. I met a guy on the internet about a month and a half ago and he seemed absolutely perfect. He was different from almost every other guy I met but then I got to know him and that's all he talked about. Sex. So, I stopped talking to him for a few days and then he texted me apologizing and everything was fine again. Then I realized how manipulative he was being and how he was basically putting on an act for me to put out. It came down to this, he told me if I didn't go all the way, he was done with me. My point being is, all guys are different. Since he's a guy, yeah. He will talk about sex because he's a guy. If he's bi-polar that may play a major factor in it also because it's proven that bi-polar disorder messes with your sex drive and increases your sex drive. You have to look at it this way, maybe it's to good to be true. If you feel like there's something wrong with the picture, go back and look at the big picture again. I really hope this helps and good luck.